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The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana • Page 9

The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana • Page 9

The News-Stari
Monroe, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

r-r I 41 4 ft s. ee i 4 I 4 It ijw f. 1 THE MONROE NF.WS-STAR SATTTROAY, SEPT. 20. 1024 PAOK NINE ANNOUNCEMENTS To ClrtuIt Coert Appeal Star authorittd JUDGE FRED ODOM For Sale-Real Estate FOR eorner lot, tt 79x110 feet.

In northern aeetion of city, corner Third to block from city park and F0R SALR We are compelled to block from car lint. In up our lf 6a able neighbrohood. Owner leaving bm A. for Mil In, writ. ot.

Lon, tome Pin. Km DMltet, Uu- I K.nn.l., 20 11. ieiana. Court of Appeal, to, Nor?" City. votara at the Deme primary to hold Oct.

C4t ror 1 A9i FOR land, Sensation, 120.00 I aii $150.00. No better neIP wanted--male int. Aii W. P. young men Rayville, La.

20-lt. character musical abil- ity to eniirft bend and for drum nd baffle niihed Prof. Hall. 1634. Ennis, K.

of P. 9-lm. 1124 under Uil amendment ihall be provided for by a tax upon all taxable property In the City of New ufficient to pay the principal and of they reapec- tirely become due; provided, however that, in the event the herein above dedicated for the payment of the principal and Interest of the under this amendment prove laaufficiant the City of New Orleant and It la hereby required to. levy In every auch instance a tax upon all taaabia proparty la the City of New Orleans aecesaary to pay tho principal and interest of (b) The residua in partffraph fa) above referred to la dedicated and be paid by the Board ef Liquidation, (1) to the raff a and Water Board of New Orleans for construction in exteadlnff the public system of water and drainaffe a aum equal te the surplus in year of the public improvement larpiua beinff defined that amount which remain in the public improvement fund created and by Act No. 6 of 1899, and resulting from the of the one half of surplus of the one cert debt tax the two ml tat, after or providing in each year for interest on the public improvement bonds as provided for In aaid Act No.

6 of 1199 and the interest and principal otT tha new public improvement bonds provided for In Act of 1906; and ft) hny balance of said raaiduo remaining shall bo pa.4 over to the City of New Orleans for general municipal purposes; provided, however, that the dedication of that port.on of said reaidae teeming from the urpiua of tho said twe-mul tax to tho Sewerage and Wa'er Board ef New Orleans, as here n- above provided fer, shall cease whe- tbe two-mill tax authorited by Act No. of 1999 shall to be levied under existing laws. No limitation imposed by other provisions ef this Constitution upon tho authority of City of New Orleans shall be held to include, apply to or affect the powera and rifhti herein confirmed. The of Liquidation. City Debt, shall have power to fsa tha salary of its sec reury.

The City of New Orleana. through the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, hall hava authority to iasua registered bonds in exchange for equal mounts of outstanding four per cent coupon of the City of New Orleans, haring the same time to run. bearing same rate of intetest and having the aame guarantees and privileges as are secured to the holders of coupon bonds by Aet 110 of 1190, and said registered bonds shall be denominated, 'Registered Constitutional Bonds of the City ef New Orleans, authorired by Aet 110 of faction 2. Thai the foregoing amendment be submitted to the electors ef the State for their approval er rejection at the General Llection for Congressman to be held throughout tho State on Tuesday, November 4th, 1924, and the Secretory of State la directed to place upon the official ballot to be used at said election tho following words: "For tho amondmont to Section 24 of Article XiV, of the Constitution." And words tha Amendment to Section 24 of Article XIV, of the Constitution Each elector voting at said election shall indicate whether he is voting for or against said amendment by marking ballot in the manner and form prescribed by tha general election laws of the State of Louisiana. Adopted at Regular Session of tha Legislature of Louisiana for tha year 1924.

A true copy; JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. houses and apartments are always in demand. Your vacancy can be quicly filled through the medium of a well-written want ad placed in our columns. SALE-1922 Baby Overland, timber, caiinga new, in good shape.

Have $8 .00 per acre, three es must tell. Price $100.00 Monroe lerrrs. See N. Cook, h05 Calypso street. Phone 653.

Company, Chatham, La. Monroe. La. FOR SALE CRESCENT BEND ADDITION Close in acreage. Two to five acre tracts adjoining property already improved.

City water, gas, alec- trie Lghts, and graded streets guar- anted with sale of each aareage block. Acreage to be planted in bred up paper shell pecan trees and) KOR International truck, one nd ton. Running condition. Cheap. Weaks Supply Company.

filer and planer man, Muat know how to file and both hardwood and pine and take of engine. Apply in person if you know you can fill above description, otherwise do not waate either of our time. B. T. Books Lumber WANT ADS 223 and 224 Ada received between a.

m. and a. m. will appear in the Monroe News-Star of the aame day. Minimum ash or Cred rents.

For Sale FOR tha City Market old stand evtry Saturday, alee fat hens at at 33e per pound. Barbaeued pork SQc per pound, kid 60e. N. P. Cook.

S-16U A reliable, energetic man as agent in and vicinity to write industrial, accident, health insurance. Write P. 0. Box 261, City, for i7-4t. cultivated at expense.

FOR pears. Phone future values assured. Ideai loea tion for suburban homes. Small cash payment and balance on easy terms. Reduced rate of interest on deferred Applications al ready being received.

Robert Fennell. FOR room house boat with gas connections. Cheap er would for good Ford truck. Make your two stoves. Just be now.

Plat of property and detailed information now available at my office. Only a limited num. bar of these suburban borne sites for tale. G. E.

Davis, sales Suburban Realty Company, Room 411 Ouachita ar. Bldg. Phones 604 and 0. Sox 263. 176t.

iow traffic brdga, Mrs. J. C. Sntider, West Monroe, La. 19 6t.

FOR hand bicycle. Good cond tion. Apply 213 North Sixth street. l9-2t. FOR of the prettiest FOR SALE -Honey in five gallon cans 17.50, in city.

Also in (lass 1-2 pints. quarts and 1-2 gallon by caie. Half barreis and barreis. W. L.

Morris, 202 Natchi- West Monroe. Phone J. 19-12t. Men why not ity Line of over 160 househoid neces- sitits direct to and make more monay? Others ara doing it. We teach and help you.

No experience necessary. Only amali capitai teeded. age, occupation, W. T. Rawleigh Dept.

2314 Memphis, Tenn. and Information CASH IN ADVANCE. On a (1) cent per word for first insertion and one-half (1-2) cent! per word for tech consecutive insertion of the same copy. $1.00 per line per month, when copy for one month or longer, without change. CHARGE ACCOUNTS.

Ads for thia department will be taken over the phone and charged at the of one (1) cent per word each insertion. ALL CHARGE WANT ADS are due and payable tha same day that f.rst Insertion is made, and payment should be made promptly when bill is presented. and SELL EM Under no are we responsible for errors ia any advertisement, unless reported IMMEDIATELY after FIRST insertion. No reduction in cost ef an ad or insertion of make good eopy, unless errer destroys of ths advertisement. In answering advertisements hsv- ing blind addresses, such as telephone or atreet numbers, or numbers, or anything other than tha name of the advertiser, please DO NOT ASK thia offica for information.

ad, if eor- ract, contains all information thst necessary to put you in touch ith advertiser. room house dose in. Moaroe. Phone and West Monroe. Phea 17-61.

I 159 day nr 1365 FOR room house with bath and garage. Phone Cypress street, West Monroe. 17-tt, FOR room house with modern conveniences, wel! ra-ged for two families. Phone FOR five room residences with garage, near Georg a Tucker achool, on North Sixth St. All modern conveniences.

$50.00 per month. Apply 120 Jackson atreet. 19-6t. for free Sell Madison Shirts for large manufacturer direct to wearer. No capital or experience required.

Many earn $100 weekly and bonus. Madison Mills, 562 Broadway, Naw Fork. Business Opportunities I off 1M5 or s- John atreet. MONROE COMMERCIAL Gregg shorthand, typewrit- Ing, bookkeeping, telegraphy. Day na I K-ffbt achool, Champion writers MAKE $500.00 per month of Grrgg.

19 at. distributing Speedoline; easy, permanent work; excluaiva territory; automobile free. Write for part c- ulars, Speedolina Dept. 175, Dallas, Texas. Sept.

6-18-20-27. National Bank. 15 Telephone 1446. building lots en Jackson street, in Monroe. for $2250.00, and if you want it, phone 453 or write ta 1402 Jackson Monroe, La, 20-3t.

FOR SALE 118 Acres farm land. Rich aoii, third under cultivation, lying along V. S. ft P. main line, front r.g near 3 4 mile on gravel road (within three miles of Monroe 1.

Land selling nearby for $3rO an acre. To close out, will ir for $75 an acre, third cash, balance easy terra, J. A. Smith at Smith Bros, FOR able Variety Woodworker. The machine» of a combined rip and cut off saw bench, with boring attachment, hollow chisel mortiser, 8 inch jointer, Emery wheel and rip law, 8-inch jointer head th knives.

Also Lawson six h. p. gasolme engine, belting and all attachments. Both practically new. f400 will take the entire outfit.

Cell H. A. Bubb, 1857. 19 3t. Positions Wanted-Male dentist, thoroughly competent, wishes to affiliate older man who expects to re-

Address care News- Star. 15-7t. Houses for Sale FOR six room house, corner Third and streets. Lot 70x150 feet. Pretty shade trees.

Good neighborhood. Close to car line. Paved streets, bee L. My ait on premises. 17-6t.

as plantation manager by man 47 years old. Farmed all my life and have had 15 years experience in managing plantations. Address T. I. Rickey, Monroe, La.

Box 672. 16-6t. young man. Work, experienced typist, two years office experience, high school graduate. Will accept any work and an not afraid of it.

Address B. care News-Star. 19 6t. FOR room house on south side. Party leaving city, wilt sacrifice.

This is a good buy. box 1073, City. l8-4t. FOR North Fifth West Monroe. Near and modern in every respect.

Five rooms, bath, $3600.00. Terms: To the man who can furnish references as to his honesty and ability to meet payments, the terms are nothing down and $36.85 month. Apply in writing to H. A. Bubb, 1412 South Grand Street.

2U 3t. by competent and reliable stenographer and bookkeeper. Have had 12 years experience with reliable firm. Good furnished. Address Box 468, Monroe, La.

20-lt. Miscellaneous Wanted Kinkead, expert palmist, clairvoyant, readings daily, FOR furnished or un- $100 readings 50c on house boat be- furnished. Seven rooms, bath and halls. Large screen hack porch. Double garage.

Let 66x150. Close in. For further call 20 41. Household Articles FOR good stede Ona good heater. Cheap.

Phone 1593. 3t. FOR bedatead, piano, grafonola; three or four houaea and lots. Seventeen room hotel. Choice lots.

Any fan be bought. Located Brown Paper Mill. See S. V. Vicks at Brown Paper Mill.

Address Box 205, W'est Monros, La. 19-6t. low traffic bridge, West Monroe. 17-61, to repair. We do all kinds of gas atove repairing.

Ail wore guaranteed. Phone 1444. 20-St. WANTED AH your pianos to tune, repair and rebuild. Expert work, Strictly guaranteed.

Reasonable rates. Phone 645, E. Neumann, 400 McKinley. 20-29t. Lost in West Monroe, lady's black purse containing either about $1.60 or $6.00 In monay, one key, new box Three Flowers rouge.

Rewtrd if returned to News-Star or phone I908-J. 18-8t. brown fice. Will answer to the name of Reward if returned to 1519 Jeckson street. Phone 1263.

cushion on Columbia road. Finer please return to Gresham Mattress Factory and we will give new one in place of it. 19 St, Found of In leather folder. Owner 'an get same by calling and paying cost of ad. 19 3t.

Poultry and Livestock FOR SALE full blood Airedale puppies, three months old, also an trained female. Mrs. 0, L. Abney, Box 87, Watkom, Texas. 15 6t.

FOR Pit hull pup- good stock, priced right, six weeks old. Phone 993 of call at 2U8 Ouachita avenue. 17-flt, Wanted to Rent WANTED To rent after October first. Five or six room furnished apartment or cottaga. Muat be in good neighborhood.

Prefer north side. Family with two children. Phona 29. 20-St. SELL Dixie Ha.r Straightener i Skin Whitener to colored people.

Big profits, steady New plan and samples free. Dixie. 2309 Flora, Dallas, Tax. 20-lt. Rooms for Rent FOR furniihed light housekeeping rooms.

Close in. No small children. Also small bed room, $2.25 per week, 401 Wood street. Davies. 15-6t.

FOR housekeeping rooms, 909 South Grand. Phone 1205-W. 19-8t. FOR housekeeping rooms. Thone 1427 or 804 Grammont 19-3t.

FDR fully Dra shed room on north aide of town. Bres avenue, phone LttNt. FDR RENT -Nice three mom apartment. Modern conveniences with extra bed room. in.

Weil furnished. Phone 1MI-J ef apply comer Fourth and Waeh'hytoB. Personal MA Business girl ft. worth 19, 40, (MW for deseriptient and photos. Club 567 LankeraMoq Bldg Lee Angeles.

Calif. Sept. 27-Oct. 4-11. YOUNG WIDOW wealthy, but lenely.

Woaid marry, B- 1022, Wichita. Kr.csas. HMt, Notice tstrs you art assured of absolute privacy. Ne smoking and clean and sanitary. Ladies and bobbing exclusively.

Beesons Barber Shop. Fifth floor Ouachita National Bank Building. Phone 1537. FOR or unfurnished. 1523-J.

rooms furnished Close in. Phone 19-St. FOR new six room house, double garage, paved street. Near Layton Park. Cat.

G. Bennett. Phono 1997-J. 19-2t. FOR room house in Wesi Monroe.

pxses- sion. Phone 863. 19-3t. FOR room house on South Third street near Missouri! Pae passenger depot, $50.00 per my eamp on month. Apply 120 Jackson Moore Ridge, a black mare.

19-6t. Both h.nd fee? white, a little white on FOR attractive real- Ratify Six rooms, bath. two I Estrayed FOR bod room, next to bath. Close to town, good neighborhood.

Apply 401 Catalpa. I Phona 891 -J. 15-6t. FOR furnished front room in private family. New Apply 2810 Gordon avenue.

home. Phor.e 1443-W. 19-2t. closed porches, double garage, excellent neighborhood, near Layton Park. I want high class tenants and I will make a reasonable price.

Chas. G. Bennett. Phor.e Has stiff neck, T. Cheshire at Fondale, 18-it.

tie makers, stamp inspectors. Pay every two weeks. App W. H. Evans, Riverton, La.

FOR front bed room. 20-6t. Convenient to bath. Suitable MANUFACTURER offeTT" necktie 612 aideline to traveling aalcsmen. 16-6t.

Ten per cent eovnmisaion. Real op- F0R comfortable room portuntty. Give to avoid adjoining bath. In homa. FOR furnished rooms for light houiekeepir.g.

Apply 321 Wood street. 19-31. delay. Sc id man Neckwear Fifth N. Y.

Ill 20-lt. AGENTS- $45 Cash for three spare time work. If you can sell anything you can sell my All-Wool $40 Suits and for $23.75. Also boys suits $11.75, Make $yQ week steady. Big outfit free.

No deposit, no waiting. John G. Longworth A Boas, Dept. 7371301 W. Congress Chicago.

20-lt. Close in. Good neighborhood Meals next door. Phone 67 or apply 300 Arkansas after 6 p. m.

17-4t. FOR furnished Lght housekeeping All conven- lost in. Water, Lghts included, only 430 00 per month. 414 Breard FOR modern six room house furnished 1012 John street. Possession on or before 26th.

hone 463 after 6 p. m. for information. 20-3t. Miscellaneous OLD MATTRESSES steril red and new, also upholstering of quality.

W. Gresham. Phone 1145. 14- Ina. Professional Cards FOR room house, location.

Phone 1868. Good FOR front room in new home. Private entrance. Close in. 200 Layton Avenue.

Phone 945. 18-Jt. FOR nicely furnished rooms. Apply J. A.

Smith, 519 Jackson street. Phone residence 722, business phone 54. 20-lt. FOR six room house. arranged for either one or two families, with separate entrances.

$10.00 per month for entire house, locnted near Locks and Dams. L. Lieber. FOR furnished room suitable for gentlemen or two employed during day. 211 FOR front room next I to bath.

Near town. Phons H6i. 2Q-3t. FOR nice Modern conveniences. Bynum.

residence- Chas E. 20-31. Quickly develop own independent handling Scotminta Yeast Candy; New Ford Automobile free; exclusive territory; Scotminta Company 50, Scotmints Building, Jersey City, N. J. 20-lt.

FOR retiens for light housekeeping. Apply 210 North Graaimont street next door to Eighth street, Mrs. W. Rutherford. Apartments for Rent office.

FOR RENT rooms. Close in. Kaliski, 403 Catalpa. unfurnished Phone 371, 18 St. FOR unfurnished rooms $10.00 per month.

501 South River Front, West Monroe. 18-3t. Roomers Boarders boarders. Close in. Private home.

Good home cooked Apply 603 Jackson street. 16-61. bookkeeper. Young man with family preferred. Good opportunity for right party, Furnish and experience in firat letter.

Addreas care News-Star, 20-3t FOR lighthouse keeping rooms. On paved street, near school. Phona 1773, West 18-31. furnished large room 1052. Dr.

J. Adams Dr. J. Q. Graves Dr.

C. H. Mosely DRS. ADAMS, GRAVES ft MOSILY Physicians and Surgeons Eighth Floor Ouachita Na. tional Bank Building Office Phona 168 DR.

JAMES EDWIN WALSWORTH General Surgery and Medicine Hoars 11 to 12. I to 2 and by appointment Phone (704) Floor, Ouachita National Bank Bidg. Dr. LEO VANDEGAER Osteopathic 114 Central Bank Bldg. Offica 9 to 12; 2 to 5 Phonei Residence 1171: Office 89 DR.

JAS. T. FRENCH Physician and Surgeon Office Over Coiieni Pharmacy Phor.e: Office 43S Residence 1409 DR. J. VAUGHAN Office in Ouachita National Bank Building Rooms 206 and 1708 Help Wanted-Female FOR large front room.

Close in. Apply 115 Layton. 18-3t. FOR RENT-Ona large front room. Apply 1010 North Second street.

Phone 433. 18-6t. once 5 ladies to travel demonstrate and sell dealers for well known toilet goods manufacturer, $25-150 per week, Railroad paid. Can also use two local FOR bed room, next Experience to bath. Would rent as small unnecessary.

Goodrich Drug, apartment if desired, consisting of Omaha, Neb. sept, 10-17-24. bed room, breakfast room and use of kitchen. Reasonable, West Monroe. Phone 903.

18-St. Texas avenus. gentlemen to take ith board. Phone 18-6t. NOW John Court Apartments.

1608 and 1610 Wilson Drive (South Grand street) four rooms, bath, apartment. Everything new. Best location in city. Cooieat in summer. Oarage for each apartment and storage warehouse for gentleman to room and board.

Phone 1608 or 505 Pine street. West Monroe. 19-3t. Dr. C.

Bennett Dr. P. L. Perot Rea. Phone 611 M7 DRS.

BENNETT ft PEROT Eye, Ear, and Throat Fitting boarders. 307 Fhone 1749-W. 19-6t. i. glassed-in sun porch and a Bank sleeping porch to each Phone 204.

DR. J. P. BROWN Eye, Ear, and Throat Office Over Chase-Amman Drug Office Phone 297. Res.

62S Monroe, La. FOR room and board. Apply 1606 Jackson. Phone 1421. 19-3U Janitor service.

Adults only and S-reet, erenees required. Please call at j)R PETERS apartments for inspection between Eye. Ear. for nine and eleven a. m.

15-81 H. A. Bubb. Suite to represent Priscilla Dress fabrics, dry goods, handkerchiefs, etc. Pleasant work, good pay.

Beautiful samples, truetlnos furnished. Fitxcharles Trenton, N. J. 20-lt. FOR room with board.

Tha Colonial, 201 Washington. 20-31. FOR large front room For Rent-Business suitable for two high school boys. FOR 30x80 floor With good board. Phone 518-J.

space, on I. M. and A aide 18-3t. track. L.

L. Liebar. 9-10t. FOR furnished iclp Wanted-Male, Female housekeeping rooms. Sink in STRAIGHT per and other modern week and expanses to man or, Call phona 1961-J or 406 woman with rig to introduce West Monroe.

light FOR 30x80 floor space on L. M. and V. S. ft P- side track.

L. L. Lieber. 20-10t 203 Ouachita National Bask Building. Phone 1493 Reaidence Phone 1547 Troducer.

Eureka St. Louis, HI, Mfg. Eaat 20-2t. 18 3t. Musical.

and players tuned, repaired and rebuilt by expert. A-l Reasonable rates. E. Neumann. Phone 645.

Will pay cash for your old pianos and players. 21-lm. Houses for Rent FOR room house with all modern conveniences. Phone 483. 16-6t.

FOR nicely furnished bed fOomt, all modern ronven- iences. To ladies or gentlemen. FOR RENT-Two room furnished One-half block from aaniUrtum. cottage. Bath and sink.

401 Wood phone 891-J or 401 Catalpa street, Davies 19 St. 1 1 18-3t. buy a sacond hand piano in good condition. O. Box 825.

16-6t. OR unfurnished rooms All conveniences. Apply 213 North Sixth street. 19-8t. FOR large furnished1 room two blocks from post in.

FOR furnishsd house. South side. Close in. Phona 289 and 656. 18-3t.

FOR five and one six room cottages, West Monroe, close Immediate possession; ve FOR Phone 689. 18-lmo. FOR furnished light housekeeping apartments. Suitable for two couples. 405 Linderraan avenue, West Mftnroe.

16 6t. FOR furnished apartment next to Phone T73. FOR apartment. Modern convenience. Phona 1793 or 301 Louise Anne avenue.

20-21. DR. C. H. Hill Internal Medicine and Rectal Diseases Office Ouachita National Bank Bldg.

Phone: Office U60: Residence 1461 Office Phone 471. Rea. Phoee 138 DR. R. L.

WOOD Dental Surgeon Office Over Chase-Amman Drug Co. DR. PHILIP M. GAYLE Dentist Phona 35. Suita 212, Ouachita National Bank Building Office Phonea Rea.

1S91-J DR. WM F. MOORS Veterinarian Office 340 South Grand Street FOR apartment, with ail unfurnished conveniences E. C. McGES Registered Civil Engineer, 505 Ouachita National Bank Bldg.

P. O. Box 183 Monroa, La. THE MONROE ABSTRACT CO Abstractors of Land Old Central Savings Bank Building Phona 385 P. O.

Box 1002 John R. Humia. Uwnar FOR good young saddle mare. Saddle and bridle $65.00. Phone 1693.

18-3t. BABY CHICKS- Postpaid. Leghorns 100, Barred Rocks, Reds, $10; Orpingtons, $11. Ter other varieLes. Free catalog.

Booth Farms, Box 559, (Hinton, Mo. 20-lt. FOR registered Pointer brood b.tch Victoria Proctor, two and oni-haif years old, whelped eleven and eight, only two litters, $40.00. One male, two fomales from above bitch by Cash, twelve nonths old, pointing last season, $26.00 each. Male and female three old from above bitch by.

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